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10 original book blogs you have to read 

As an author, I truly value the time and effort spent by book bloggers, and there are many amazing blogs out there. Here, I want to ‘open the covers’ on the top 10 of the most original ones I have come across. Book bloggers are extremely well read and can be a fantastic source of inspiration when you’re looking for your next read.

The Writes of Woman 


The Writes of Woman blog by Naomi Frisby is ‘a celebration of female writers and their work’. It reviews books across all genres, by women. Naomi started this blog for personal reasons three years ago: she realised she was reading far fewer books by female writers and that literary prizes were also ‘dominated by (mostly white) males’. Naomi has been driven to ‘improve the disparity and divulges into all genres,’ while giving honest reviews.

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The Writes of Women

Faye is a twenty-something adult with a passion for coffee, books, reading, writing, movies and fitness. In her book blog, Daydreamer's Thoughts, she reviews Middle Grade – Adult Fiction, as well as film adaptations and author interviews. Faye also shares her honest thoughts about what it’s like to have OCD, Anxiety, and Depression. I also have experience with OCD and so does the main character in my latest book, ‘What Did I Do?’. I think it’s great that Faye is authentically sharing her experiences so that other people can relate.

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A Daydreamer's Thoughts

The Writes of Women

Amanda Paton likes to ‘read books, eat chocolate and talk about the books she’s read’. That sounds like me!  She’s based in the UK and has a special interest in Crime, Romance & Women's Fiction, Health & Wellness books. 

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Chocolate Pages

The blog, This Is My Truth Now is James J. Cudney’s portal, author of Watching a Glass Shatter and Father Figure. James is based in New York and has rather impressively, reviewed over 750 books. An avid genealogist (he’s discovered ~3K family members going back about 250 years!), James’ passion is telling stories and connecting people through words. James reviews mysteries, crime and suspense, along with some ‘miscellaneous fun.’

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This Is My Truth Now

Book reviewers Francesca, Annie, Suzanne and Angela, had the good fortune to ‘meet’ online through the fantastic book website, Goodreads. Together, they decided to share their passion of books with fellow book lovers by creating this blog, Under the Covers. They are very active on social media and review paranormal romance, thrillers, urban fantasy and mainstream fiction in a very creative way.

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Under the Covers

Duffy is a freelance writer based in Sydney and a ‘book supernerd’. A typical week for her consists of reading a book or two, heading out to a movie screening and writing shiny new content for growing Australian businesses. Duffy The Writer Blog covers everything from suspense to historical fiction, but she also has a self-care section where she writes about mental health and the subconscious mind, which is very inspiring!

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Duffy The Writer Blog

From First Page to Last by Janet Emson features a variety of reviews for both new releases and older books, and has a dedicated page where she reviews for kids. She also has author Q&As, a regular feature that highlights ‘forgotten novels’ and puts the spotlight on publishers too.

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From First Page to Last

I’ve had the honour to receive an amazing review by Kelly Lacey from Love Books Group, but that’s not why I’ve picked this one. :0) I love how Kelly also promotes positive thinking and wants to uplift people - these are two things I really value. Kelly started Love Books Group in 2017, and since then, her and her guest bloggers have been reviewing crime, thrillers and literary fiction.

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Love Books Group

Jacob is an aspiring crime writer himself and has been ‘an avid reader for as long as he can remember’. After leaving various recommendations on Amazon and regularly being asked to share his book recommendations with friends and family, Jacob’s blog, ‘Hooked From Page One,’ was born. He is also part of the First Monday Crime review team, an event which takes place on the 1st Monday of every month at City University, in London. Another feature worth checking out for aspiring authors, is his ‘Road to Publication’ page where he interviews authors.

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Hooked From Page One

This blog claims to be ‘for die hard crime & thriller fans’ and it does contain a multitude of book reviews in the genre, plus news, interviews, features and recommendations. Crime Fiction Lover was originally set up by two journalists who love reading crime stories – everything from atmospheric noir to thriller mysteries and police procedurals. They bring helpful and concise articles, from Scandinavian crime fiction and hardboiled detective stories, to cutting edge contemporary novels. Wherever there’s a mystery novel, they are interested so that’s my cup of tea.

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Crime Fiction Lover

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