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Lockdown Lit Fest Interview

Dreams do come true. I was interviewed by the fabulous Paul Blezard-Gymer, who I'd witnessed interview so many talented authors while I was still unpublished. Loved discussing gender politics, inhabiting my characters and so much more!  






























Anything is Possible

In my series 'Anything is Possible' I share my journey as an author. Scroll down for the latest episodes. In the first episode, I share insight into how I became a published author, what it's really like, and my advice for aspiring authors.

How to get an agent's attention


My awesome agent Luigi Bonomi from LBABooks was visiting the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature last month – here he shares valuable advice for aspiring writers.


What should your submission look like?

Should you include information about yourself?


Hope this video helps! Let me know how you get on.


London is an eternal source of inspiration for me

I had an excellent trip to London recently - the place where my writing journey started. It was great to catch up with my friends and also attend the publisher's party with Aria.

Writing outside your comfort zone

Should you write what you know and stay within your comfort zone? Jessica Jarlvi joined Kuwaiti writer, Taleb Alrefai at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature to discuss this. 

Interview with 2019 Montegrappa winner, Polly Phillips

In 2016, the Montegrappa First Fiction Price changed my life. This year, Polly Phillips won and here I talk to her about entering writing competitions, editing and getting that manuscript finished. We also had a surprise for her: Montegrappa ME distributor, Charles Nahhas turned up to hand over the customized Montegrappa pen she won.

Interview with Brandy Scott about her debut novel

Brandy Scott and I chat about her debut novel NOT BAD PEOPLE, author to author. Learn from Brandy how she landed her publishing deal and tackled writing while working in broadcasting.

School visit - The City School International 

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit a couple of schools to talk about my journey as an author, my process, and how to write a novel. The students at The City School International were so engaging and had some great questions!

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